The Halfling
Today, let's look at the current version of the Halfling class.
Halflings are small folk distantly related to their larger human cousins. They are a good natured and hopeful bunch capable of uncanny luck and grand bravery. When these shy folk stray away from home it's with a song in their heart and a spring in their step. But all adventures eventually lead back home.
Halfling Experience Conditions
Share some pipeweed with an old friend.
Inspire bravery in the face of overwhelming odds.
Help a companion through food, cheer, or song.
Shoulder someone else’s burden.
Be swept off on a great adventure.
Secretly burgle something, and take it back home with you.
Hit Points & Saves
When starting the game with the Halfling class, players roll for their starting HP. Most classes use a d6 for their HP, though some are d4s or d8s. Always add your Constitution modifier to your starting HP. Each time you accumulate enough XP to gain a new level, you roll the dice indicated by HP/Level and add that to your total HP.
Saving Throws work similarly to how they do in Basic D&D but instead of being strictly set, based on class, all Saving Throws start at the same target number for all classes. Then each class is listed with what saving throws improve each time a new level is gained.
RedHack features a total of 23 skills broken into two categories. There are 10 Core Skills shared by all classes and 13 Class Skills. Each class skill is unique to its class. The starting character description will show how a level one character should set their skill rankings. Skills are generally ranked as an x-in-6 chance of success, and are rolled with a d6. Your skill rank is modified by your governing ability modifier.
Allowed Weapons & Armor
Each class is allotted a list of Weapons & Armor they may take advantage of or use in combat. Halflings have a pretty versatile range of Weapons & Armor they can use.
There are several ways to earn XP in RedHack. Some are class specific, like the ones shown above. Some a specific conditions for your character's alignment. And some are prioritized by the players as well. Let's first take a look at the class specific experience conditions.
The GM is responsible for taking the experience conditions and framing situations around them. It is the player's responsibility however to aggressively seek out the conditions in the fiction of the game. It's up to the player to remember during down time to pull out the pipeweed and share it with a friend, tell a tale or two and remember fond days at home. If they achieve this during the session, they earn a point of XP. This is how experience conditions work, and each class has its own list.
We'll speak more later on XP for alignments, player answered questions and player written drives.
Once you earn a certain amount of XP through play you gain a new character level. The amount required for level two is 6. Better get out there and gun towards that advancement! When your character gains a new level you roll new HP, and you select a skill rank to increase. At certain levels you may have a chance of increasing your governing ability scores as well.
RedHack features the classes Cleric, Dwarf, Elf, Fighter, Halfling, Magic-User and Thief. There might be more, but this is the core set.
There's so much more to talk about. What do you think about the Halfling? What do you want to see next? Questions and Comments are welcome!
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